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From Science to Literature We Write

Dear Brentwood, 

We take the horrible and make it beautiful. We fix the unfix-able. When we’re knocked down, we rebuild taller and stronger and remain undefeatable.

-Jaden, 15



Hope. A four letter word. So simple but the feeling it gives is undefinable. Its everywhere in this community. No matter what happens, we prevail with flying colors

-sorto, 16



Nothing can change if you don’t act, Words mean nothing without action.

Be the change

-Iris, 16



Community keeps us together, We can do anything we put our minds to

-Emmerson, 15



Yeah bad things happen, it’s a part of life, but this is our home, with pride, everyone unites.

-Dayana, 16


Times have been tough, and that's obvious to all, but that's not what's important, because we won't fall -David, 18



Relentless strive for real information, in our accomplishments lies truth.

-Yanci, 17

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